Lyrics Songtexte Blog mit Pop und Rock Musik aus Deutschland

I am so in love,
But I fear
About what he will say.
I see every day
It’s hard for me
It does hurt me so
I have fear in losing

I always dreams of him
When I said it:
I love you.

I say it does hurt me so
I am fallen and I fall

So deep who catches me …..?
Who says you, I love you.

But what happened when I say it:
It is an answer
Because it?
I fear what will happen
I dream and dream and nothing happens.
What should I do
Please tell me
It is doing so hurt

Give me a piece of advice
What should I do
I have such a fear in losing
Please give me a piece of advice
It is doing so hurt
I do not want to lose.

Has the end of a still with us two
I think yes, I am ready.
I will tell you now it is too late
Please give me an answer
Which you can just tell me.
I have fear in losing

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